The Privilege of Encouraging the Faithful

Recently at a nursing home worship service, I was standing at a doorway when we were singing hymns. As I was singing, I noticed an elderly man who was sitting just a few feet from me. From my view, I could see a streak of tear on one side of his face. I had never met him before. After the service, I spoke with a woman who was sitting next to him. She turned out to be his granddaughter. She said her grandfather, now in his 90’s, had been in ministry in the east bay area for over 70 years. He had been staying in the nursing home for awhile, but didn’t know about the worship service. She said he began to cry when he heard the hymns because they are so familiar and meaningful to him. Since she couldn’t visit him every Sunday, she wanted to make an arrangement with the nursing home staff to make sure he could attend the service every Sunday. I was thankful that we could provide such a time for someone who had served God for most of his life