More Encouraging News from our Elderly Care Ministry!

[Recently] at one of the nursing homes we visit, one grandmother made a decision to accept Christ after the message. She suffered from a stroke so can’t really speak, but when Vicky asked her if she wanted to make any commitments from today’s message, she pointed repeatedly to the box on the commitment card “I would like to accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.” Vicky asked her if she knew that she was sinner, and that she needed God’s forgiveness, and if she wanted to make Jesus Lord and Savior of her life, and after each question the grandmother would nod her head in agreement. I’m really thankful that even though this grandmother couldn’t verbally communicate, she was still alert and conscious enough to make a decision with the use of the commitment card.

Besides the one salvation decision, we had 3 people who wanted to rededicate their lives to Christ. And we also have 8 new people (6 grandmas, 2 grandpas) who are interested in reading the bible together! I think now with these new people, the total number of people we will be doing bible reading with at this nursing home is 23 people. One of them just arrived a month ago and was for the first time attending our service. As I was talking with her, she mentioned that she had attended church a long time ago when she was a child, but now she wants to learn more about Jesus and wants someone to read the bible with her. We met another grandma who expressed interest in reading the bible together while some of us did room visits while the main service was going on.  Praise the Lord for all that He is doing through our Elderly Care Ministry!