God’s Words of Encouragement

I’ve visited Grandma B at the local nursing home a few times before.  I am personally inspired by her great faith in God and am always blessed by our conversations.  During this visit, I was expecting her typical encouraging remarks like “May the Lord bless you and keep you” and “I will pray for you,” but I was taken aback to see her so down and discouraged. She kept saying that her body was feeling terrible and repeated that no one visits her anymore. I wanted to read her a little excerpt from “Living with a Purpose in a Worn-Out Body” to encourage her, but she said her brain was spinning too much and that she “really can’t handle that right now.” She also apologized for not being able to hear me so well and commented that she should be able to hear everything I say. She was overall so discouraged by her physical condition.  As I held her frail and small hands, I was completely at a loss for words. “How can I help her?” I felt so underqualified because I’m a young Christian and she has served as a missionary for many years…

Then I remembered that morning’s DT and last night’s prayer meeting, and was reminded that we need to encourage one another to strengthen God’s church. I told her that even though she hasn’t had any visitors lately, that I am someone who came to visit her that morning. She smiled. I then shared Psalm 42:5 with her: “Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise Him, my Savior and my God.” This was our ministry group’s memory verse from the previous week. As I was repeating this verse in loud audible voice, she closed her eyes and smiled, resting her head and lying still. I reminded her that even though we may feel weak and discouraged in this physical body, we are so blessed because we can put our hope in heaven and not on what is temporary. I told her that even though God knows that we are weak and sinful, God still loves us completely and died just to save us. I told her that there is nothing in this world that can separate us from His love, not age, not anything. I encouraged her to hold onto God’s promises and keep running this race, because God’s not done using her here yet. All these things that I shared with her are God’s promises that have personally helped me recently during my own discouraging times.  She thanked me for these encouraging words.  I was amazed at how God’s word really turned her spirit from one so downcast and disturbed to one so hopeful… how God’s word had such power. I’m reminded that I don’t need to be “spiritual enough” but that all I need to give to God is my willingness and obedience, being equipped with His living and active word, and He’ll lead me to bless and encourage others through my obedience and through His word.