Answered Prayers and Other Bright Spots at Redwood Convalescent

A pair of older hands reading a bible

Our Redwood Convalescent team has been visiting Ms. B in her room to put on a mini-worship service for her. Ms. B has been praying that Redwood would hire a new activity coordinator who could organize the residents to be taken out of their rooms on Sunday; then, we’d be able to have a full Sunday worship service for more of the residents. Recently, Ms. B’s prayer got answered! Redwood hired a new activity coordinator who is Christian and wants to help our team. This past Sunday, the activity coordinator made sure that the residents were taken out of their rooms, and Redwood Convalescent had its first larger Sunday service in a long time. 

Another recent blessing is that one of the Christian nurses lets us know which Redwood residents have not yet responded to the gospel. As a result, we now know additional residents we should reach out. Hopefullly, these non-Christian residents can respond to the gospel before they pass away.

Our team hasn’t been able to communicate well with one of the grandmas, Ms. M. Recently, one of our team members realized that Ms. M speaks Portuguese. This team member herself speaks Spanish and has started talking in Spanish to Ms. M. While the languages have some differences, we’re happy that our team can now better communicate with Ms. M!