Starting Your Own Valentine's Day of Compassion


Yelp is the best resource to locate nearby nursing homes. When contacting a nursing home, speak with the activities director or program director to explain that you're part of a local church that is looking for an opportunity to hold a program on Valentine's Day for their residents.  Most nursing homes rarely have any programs on Valentine's Day, so your inquiry is often well-received.

  • Consider any factors that may fit your team better, such as language or other considerations.

    • If your group has a number of foreign speakers, you may want to visit a nursing home whose residents might skew towards an ethnic demographic.

    • There are typically different types of nursing homes:

      • Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNF): Often referred to as "sniffs", residents in these nursing homes require care from trained nurses who are administering care based on a doctor's guidelines. Residents typically have restricted dietary needs as well as scheduled medications. Residents are typically divided between long-term and short-term care. Often short-term care residents are there for a few weeks as part of a physical therapy/rehabilitation program.

      • Assisted Living Facilities: Residents are able to live independently but often have common areas and services provided for them, such as dining services in a cafeteria.

  • We recommend planning a 1-hour program in order to give the activities director the flexibility in scheduling your visit.

  • Be sure to call and remind the activity director before the actual visit.

STEP 2 - LEARN about the home

Learn about the Policy and Procedures for individual home regarding:

  • Whether photography or videography permitted?

  • What the visiting hours and restrictions are?

  • The aspects of your program and team size.

  • Whether there are any specific parking rules.

STEP 3- RECRUIT your team

Gather your team, and inform them of the program, time, date. Determine the following tasks and assign them:

  • A gospel-centered message

  • Songs – any guitarist / pianist? If not, you can get an MP3 of a soundtrack.

  • Crafts

    • You should generally make most of the crafts ahead of time and pass them out because residents are often unable to actively participate. Crafts with a simple finishing step that the resident can personalize are good ideas. (e.g., a simple flower arrangement in which the resident's name can be imprinted onto the potholder with scrapbook material.)

  • Giveaways

    • Large-print bibles, bookmarks, books, gospel tracts

  • Equipment

  • Skits

    • If you want to include a dramatic element in your program, remember to keep it simple and demonstrative. Don't rely too much on talking or narration, as it maybe difficult for residents to follow.

STEP 4 - prepare your team

We recommend spending a few hours with your team to educate them about the facility and kinds of people they will meet.

  • Residents may have unpredictable reactions to your team's presence. Always be cordial and accommodating to their preferences.

  • Many residents typically have medical issues such as dementia, vision/hearing impairment, or challenged motor skills. We recommend reviewing a presentation on dementia to help your team adjust to this new environment.

  • Review the Do's and Don't Guidelines

Program Elements

Songs (special songs or hymns)

2 songs before the message and 1 song after the message:

  • Amazing Grace (Chris Tomlin version)

  • Come Home Running

  • I Have a Hope

  • Your Love is Deep (with motions)

  • Amazing Love (with motions)

  • He Knows My Name

GOSPEL Message 

  • Sermon Resources

  • Popular Passages for Nursing Homes

    • Zephaniah 3:17, 1 John 4:20, John 3:16

  • Popular Passage for Men’s Shelter

    • Prodigal Son (Luke 15)

  • Popular Passages for Women’s Shelter

    • Samaritan Woman (John 4)

    • Zephaniah 3:17


  • For nursing homes:

    • Decorating small flower pots with name, Bible verse and scrapbook materials

    • Decorating a pre-framed Bible verse with scrapbook materials

  • For women’s and children’s shelters:

    • Making beads



  • Frames with hearts and verses: Zephaniah 3:17, 1 John 4:20, John 3:16

  • Bookmarks with Bible verses

  • Books: Return of the Prodigal, More Than a Carpenter, Bible, Daily Bread

  • Socks, blankets, scarves

  • Transcript of the message:

    • Make it large print (minimum 14-point font)

    • Make it available for residents to keep if they want to read it.

Sample Program

  • Sample Nursing Home program (1 hour)

    • 5:45 - 6:00 pm: Set up the room with sound equipment, props, stands, etc. (15 min)

    • 6:00 - 6:10 pm: Pass out the programs (if any), introduce yourself, sing praise songs (10 min)

    • 6:15 - 6:30 pm: Give message, may include a short skit (15 min)

    • 6:30 - 6:40 pm: Sing final song and close in prayer. Can give invitation to accept Christ (10 min)

    • 6:40 - 7:00 pm: Craft time, talk to individual residents, pray for them (20 min)

    • 7:00 - 7:10 pm: Take down the equipment, and gather back to pray with the team (10-15 min)

  • Sample Men/Women/Children’s Shelter program (1.5 hrs)

    • 5:45 - 6:00 pm: Set up the room with sound equipment, props, stands, etc. (15 min)

    • 6:00 - 6:10 pm: Pass out the programs (if any), introduce yourself, sing praise songs (10 min)

    • 6:15 - 6:30 pm: Give message, may include a short skit (15 min)

    • 6:30 - 6:35 pm: Give testimony – should be fitting for the audience

    • 6:40 - 6:50 pm: Sing more songs, have altar call / invitation time for prayer

    • 6:50 - 7:10 pm: Depending on atmosphere, either play group games, have ice cream social type of “talking” time, or make crafts together

    • 7:15 - 7:25 pm: Take down the equipment and gather back to pray with the team (10-15 min)

Do's and Don'ts


  • Keep talking to them if they do not want to be bothered

  • Give out your cell phone # or other personal contact information

  • Bring children to the nursing home without prior permission

  • Follow or take residents into their rooms


  • Ask for residents' names, introduce yourself, and find out about them

  • Smile a lot!

  • Ask if you can pray for them, and if they have a prayer request, pray for them

  • Prepare and share a 3-minute gospel presentation

  • Sit with them, be near them during the program

  • Pair up with another team member if possible